Shade by Jamie Begley

Shade - Jamie Begley

About 70% of this book is a retelling of Shade's Fall but this time through Shade's eyes. Only the last 30% is new material and tells what happened to our main characters next.


To my surprise I wasn't bored at all although I knew the story. Sure, at times I was shocked because Shade was even bigger horndog then I imagined. In previous book Lily saw only one part of Shade but in this book the reader has quite a clear picture how Shade spent his days and nights. There was a moment I planned dnfing the book but  a friend of mine convinced me to continue. She was right. I liked how main characters' relationship evolved  and Shade redeemed himself putting Lily's needs first. He was also so patient and when they were together Shade never looked at another woman again. So, finally I had warm feeling inside and a happy smile on my face

And then author had  to spoil everything writing the last epilogue. Yes, the book has two of those and the last one destroyed me. How could Jamie Begley torture her characters like that? After all they went through. How? Why?


My advise to you: Don't read the second one! Unless you want to cry a lot then go ahead.


If you want to finish with a positive note, read only the first epilogue and pretend the second one does not exist.